The restoration of the Aylett Family Burying Ground at “Fairfield,” where interments began early in the eighteenth century and continued until 1860, was well under way by 1990. Aylett descendants contributed heavily to this project, and markers were placed at the graves of Unity West Dandridge and Elizabeth Henry Aylett (1769-1842), youngest daughter of Patrick Henry and his first wife, Sarah Shelton. After the placement of these stones the graveyard was re-consecrated as a burial site in the autumn of 1992. The maintenance of this historic graveyard is an on-going effort.
KWCHS Projects
- Stabilization of Acquinton Church Building
- Lanesville Christadelphian Church
- Old County Jail Restoration
- Courthouse Wall Restoration
- Aylett Cemetery Restoration
- County Historic Buildings Map
- Old Courthouse Plaster Repairs and Painting
- King William County Architectural Survey
- Cemetery Documentation
- King William County Burned Records Project